21 March 2009


After looking at the last few posts, I realized that this blog has turned into a jumble of incoherent ramblings leaving my doings in Hong Kong completely ambiguous. So I guess I'll try to stop with that.

Ever since returning from my travels in Malaysia and Thailand, I've slept more than I believe I've ever slept in my entire life. And I still haven't found the motivation to do work. And since I don't remember much of last week, whether that's due to bad memory or something else, I'm not even sure about how time flies by so quickly.

So this week I've been completely bummed out because of the decisions from ResLife. I just always thought that I would end my Bryn Mawr career by making that one last final contribution to the community. Yet, even as emotional as I've gotten by it, it may just be better for next year..

Thinking about my summer has been also been a bit of a bummer. But after thinking for the past couple of days, having a daily plan doesn't seem to be as important anymore. Sitting in an ACed room is nice, but doing bitch work, is not. It's just that prior to Hong Kong, I always put this correlation between summer jobs and my life after graduation.

It kills to wonder how friends and family are doing right now. They do make up a huge part of my life, and being miles away, I feel as if there's a huge gapping void in my heart. All the emails and messages and skype conversations still don't cut it. But I'm sure the homesickness will pass when things start to pick up again.

If I'm not sleeping in Hong Kong, then I'm usually out at night. And to be honest, thinking about going out to the same places and doing the same things kind of irks me. Being there though, is another story. It reminds me so much of home, but at home the repetitiveness has a spark to it. Well actually, that's a bold faced lie, home life is not repetitive.

I think I'll make a conscious effort to start returning to a non-nocturnal life again. Less partying and more exploring. Since arriving here, I've wanted to see more of Hong Kong. ---hiking, museums, and food.

I guess I'll see what happens.