27 March 2009


Rugby 7S should be synonymous with amazing.

Even though it poured and poured and poured until there were puddles in my shoes, and we searched and searched and searched for seats, when we finally sat and just absorbed it all, it was bloody fantastic.

As vain as it sounds, I forgot how hot I thought rugby [and rugby players] are. Right, just a tad superficial...

Anyways, we ended up in the 18 and over section in the South Section. My friends pulled out their flags to represent AMURICAH during the Scotland vs America match. We were surrounded by non-USA supporters [to be euphemistic]. And so as the Scots and the Yanks were duking it out, we got fries, cups, and what I hope was beer, thrown at us.

What a crazy experience.

So I've recovered enough from my stomach flu/virus to start eating again. Maybe enough to hit up a dim sum buffet place. It'll be like heaven, I'm sure. Or it could quite possibly be like the ultimate liquidation of my insides. I've had two meals since 5 AM today - the most I've eaten since Saturday night...it's fucking terrible I hate stomach bugs.

Recently, I've realized, or perhaps it's something I knew all along, that I lose interest a lot faster than normal people. It's not ADHD, but I'd say it's pretty close considering the million to zero things that run through my head ever second. It is somewhat like playing a game - if it's too predictable, I may just drop it, but if it's too complicated, it may not be worth it.

And so, I think tonight I may finally get to bed before the start of a new day...