26 February 2009


funny how everything always manages to happen on the most inconvenient of nights

the internal workings of the mind.

happy mornings, malaysia.

23 February 2009


Three interviews in a span of fifteen hours. the irony!
I am pooped and sleep deprived.

Countdown to beaches, elephants, and motorbikes: not soon enough.

20 February 2009


Today, I am most proud to be a Bryn Mawr woman.

What a special Friday <3

16 February 2009


I just remembered that I left Indian food in the fridge...two weeks ago.

That is really a 'my bad!'

This video is somewhat akin to how I want to reflect on my life. wow what an awkward sentence... Anyways, it just reminds me of those slice of life epiphany type movies like Garden State and Lars&the Real Girl. ----a paradox of something epic but mundane for the protagonist just aimlessly living in a cardboard box?

15 February 2009


i iz xc slackerz.

This is getting a bit out of hand; I wrote a cover letter and sent it in while I was still drunk :(

Further adventures in Asia, to be updated later.
[But next up: When Kelly Jumps Off the Tallest Building in Macau]

MC hammer

05 February 2009


So I haven't slept in the past twenty-four hours.

I spent part of the night in the hospital waiting for my friend to wake up from 'food poisoning' and listening to a drunken grown man cry in Cantonese over broken love.

03 February 2009


& this is what happens at home.

It's officially been a month since I left New York.

My view from the library window is of buildings and mountains. But even at the library, I still end up not working...

By the end of this semester, I'm sure my teeth will have rotted from all the Chinese/Japanese milk candies I've eaten. I go through a pack a day, too bad they don't make patches for people addicted to sugar.

Eating all this candy reminds me of how my dad used to tell me that he had to brush his teeth with twigs when he was younger. Then again, he would always end the story by shoving toothpaste and a toothbrush in front of my face, so maybe not.

Best fireworks show I've watched:

She's actually taller than me, in real life.