Guiya, China
The first 'what the hell am I doing in HONG KONG' moment I had was the first night here, watching the harbor from my window seat.
And then last night, I had my first 'OMG, I am here across the world in ASIA' moment at Ebenezers. Ebenezers is a kebab place. The best kebabs I've ever had, actually. How ironic.
My roommate moved in last night but I thought she had gone home for Lunar New Year's. Shock of my life when I got back at 5 AM and there's a sleeping body next to the door.
I dried my jeans in the washing machine four times and they still weren't dry after those four hours.
Since arriving, my germaphobia has increased tenfold. Every time someone coughs without covering their mouth [using their sleeve], I cringe and shuffle away. Those 'sar's' masks are really fashionable, by the way. I'm also really conscious of whether hands have been washed before meals, when people have extremely long and dirty fingernails, and the state of their teeth. I feel like those crazy ladies on the subway who put down napkins on their seats before planting their butts down. Like my mom.