13 October 2009

Right, so I may be a partial duntz or a complete duntz.

In my sleep deprived state I just realized that the 'wiring' of plugs I made on my wall works.

The goal was to have two lights turn on independent on the third string of lights.  Except for the past month and a half, I've been under the assumption that the two lights only work if the third one is plugged in.  I wonder if I knew this before/wired the wires to work this way.

omgz complete duntz

10 October 2009




06 October 2009

My room is messy

It feels as if I am floating on a plane of liminality.  Forever and ever, but only for a second, a minute or barely at all.  I started running again today and it felt sooo good to just burn, burn, burn away all the thoughts.